Dr. Marcus Schaub

Dr. Marcus Schaub


Responsabile di gruppo


Dinamica del bosco



Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf


WSL Birmensdorf Bi HL D 28

Research Interests

Public concerns, evidence from research, and increasing scientific knowledge are driving widespread discussions on air pollution, climate change, and forest health interactions. My research focuses on single and combined effects of air pollutants and environmental stressors on trees and forest ecosystems. I combine the sciences from plant physiology, environmental and experimental long-term monitoring, and applied modeling. I draw conclusions and develop quantitative scenarios for national and international stakeholders and policy makers.


WSL Model Ecosystem Facility

The Model Ecosystem Facility (MODOEK) became operational in 1992. Many long-term interdisciplinary projects have been successfully carried out since its completion. The unit consists of 16 glass-walled open-top chambers each fitted with a sliding roof, whereby each chamber is divided into two semicircular lysimeters.

Long-term Irrigation Experiment Pfynwald

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) launched a long-term irrigation experiment in summer 2003 in the Nature Park.

LWF Demonstration plot

In order to show and explain its research projects and over 30 measuring instruments to interested persons.

