Research Interests

Applied snow science & Sports engineering

Snow - X- Interaction: from snow friction to snow sport injuries

Physics and praxis of snow making, grooming and snow farming

Development of snow measurement devices


Professional experience - Projects


Technical Staff Member

2022 - now

Snow Physics Group at SLF/WSL

Scientific staff member 

Group Industrial Projects & Snow Sports at SLF

2009 - 2018

Investigating the role of snow conditions for injuries in snow parks

Lead of the SLF Snow Sports Lab

Lecturer SSWS 2020: Winter sports in a changing climate

Attendance at the Olympic Games as snow temperature forecaster

Guest Lecturer at ETH Zürich, CMAS Lab: Ski testing and simulation

Development of a "zero-energy" snow gun

Snow-How transfer: Handbook of slope preparation and grooming

Scientific / technical support of the swiss national xc-team

Investigating the role of snow conditions for injuries of ski racers

Mechanical properties of race snowboards and binding plates

Consulting: Snow making potential, snow farming planning and monitoring

HEAD Sport AG (A), R&D Racquet Sports


Measurements of mechanical properties of racquets and strings

Student assistant
TU Darmstadt & Uni Magdeburg (GER)


Biomechanics of rhythmic gymnastics
Engineering of sport equipment (CAD)

Academic Education


2018 - 2024

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

PhD (Dr.-Ing.):

Institute of Applied Materials - Material Science & Engineering (IAM - WK)

The influence of snow physical properties on the ski-snow friction: From real scale measurements on skis to investigations of fundamental processes on the microscale

2004 - 2009

University of Magdeburg

Sports Engineering (Dipl. -Sporting.), University Magdeburg

Focus: Materials & Product Development

Development & evaluation of a novel snowboard release binding
Vibration analysis of tennis racquets
Development of a novel roller ski implementing a more xc-ski like ground-ski interaction
microscopy analysis of fibre compounds of tennis racquets
development of an interactive device to quantify anticipation of karateka

2001 -2003

TU Hamburg

Business Engineering, TU Hamburg

