The ground shakes but it is not an earthquake: using seismic observations to identify rock slope failures in the Swiss Alps



Hörsaal SLF Davos & Zoom

Organisé par:



Marco Piantini


Andrea Manconi



Type de manifestation:

Exposés et colloques

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Everybody interested in this topic

Can we gain insights on the occurrence of rock slope failures in high alpine environments? Despite the importance of building complete inventories to investigate the processes involved in slope instabilities, many events remain undetected as they occur in remote regions. Post-event observations and classical approaches (e.g. satellite imagery or stationary monitoring stations) often do not provide adequate information about event timing, which is critical to understand the potential trigger. As a part of the project “Slope instabilities in permafrost”, we have explored the opportunity to use data from the permanent seismic network to identify slope failures in the Swiss Alps. In this presentation we show how we can use seismic observations to develop relatively simple analyses to identify and locate rock slope failures and to systematically improve the quality of their inventories.  
