Continuing Education
2024: 4 Types of resilience
2022 - 2023: OE Workshop - Systemic-Evolutionary Organisational Development, Trigon Academy
2023: Imaginary body journeys, Abano Terme
2022: Systemic Organisational Development according to Trigon and SySt®, Abano Terme
2021: Facilitation Training, Abano Terme
2019: Systemic Structural Constellations (SySt®), Abano Terme
2017 - 2018: Certified Business and Private Coach, Konstanz
Academic Education
1999: Post-graduate course "Spatial information systems", ETH Zurich
1997: Dr. sc. nat., ETH Zurich, Institute for Terrestrial Ecology
1992: Diplom-Geographer (Univ.), Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
Professional Experience
since 2021: Head of Research Group "Risk and Resilience"
since 2020: Head of Research Programme "Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements" (CCAMM)
2012 – 2021: Head of Research Group "Avalanche Dynamics and Risk Management"
2006 – 2011: Head of Research Group "Risk Management", SLF
2001 – 2005: Team leader "Risk Management", SLF
1994 - 2000: scientific collaborator, SLF
Research Interests
Climate Change Impacts; Alpine Mass Movements; Hazard- and Risk Analysis; Risk Evaluation; Risk Management; Warning- and Information Systems; Dealing of the Society with Natural Hazards and Risks.
since 2022: CAS Natural Hazard - Risk Management, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2009 – 2023: Risk Management of Natural Hazards at School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Zollikofen, Switzerland.
2009 – 2010: Risk Management of Natural Hazards, Post-Diploma Course "Protection Systems in Alpine Areas", University of Innsbruck.
2001, 2004, 2009: Natural Hazards, CAS ETH Zürich "Risk and Safety".
2011: Fellow "Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF)", Research Group "Communicating Disaster", University of Bielefeld, Germany.
2009: Visiting Scientist at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway.
1995: Visiting Scientist at the National Hydrological Research Center NHRI, Saskatoon, Canada.
European Geosciences Union
Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society
Professionals Natural Hazard Switzerland (FAN)