An important part of my work is to supervise students and young researchers and to develop and support them with a view to their later work.
Previous postdocs:
Corinne Lundström, 2003-2005, Land use modeling in Alpine regions. Funded by the NRP48 project Alpscape of the SNSF.
Dominik Kulakowski, 2006-2007, Influence of avalanches on forest ecosystems, funded by the Velux Foundation.
Momchil Panayotov, 2008-2010, (and guest scientist at the SLF 2013-2015) Dendroecological studies on the dynamics of subalpine forests in Bulgaria and Switzerland, funded by the Velux Foundation and the SNSF
Ignacio Barbeito, 2010-2011, Spatio-temporal analyses of growth and mortality at the Stillberg experimental site (own funding)
Alejandro Casteller, 2013-2016, Ecosystem-based risk reduction in the context of avalanches in Chile, funded by the EPIC project of the Federal Office BMUV, Germany
Advised PhD-students:
Anja Rammig, 2002-2006, Disturbance in mountain forests: analysing, modelling and understanding successional processes after blowdown events, together with Prof. Dr. H Bugmann (ETH), funded by FOEN.
Ariane Walz, 2002-2005, Land-use modeling in the Swiss Alps, with Prof. Dr. R. Weibel and Prof. Dr. R. Purves (UniZh), funded by NRP48 Alpscapes.
Gillian Rutherford, 2002-2006, Land-use statistics for successional processes, with Prof. Dr. P. Edwards (ETH) and Prof. Dr. N. Zimmermann (WSL), funded by NRP48 WaSAlp.
Sonja Wipf, 2003-2006, Winter Climate Change in Tundra Ecosystems, with Prof. Dr. B. Schmid and Dr. V. Stöckli (WSL)
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, 2002-2007, Spatially explicit valuation of ecosystem goods and services in the Alps as a support tool for regional decision-making, with Prof. Dr. W. Schmid (ETH), funded by SNSF.
Frank Krumm, 2008-2012, Stand development of Norway spruce dominated subalpine forests of the Swiss Alps, with Prof. Dr. H. Spiecker (Uni Fr. i Pr.) and PD. Dr. A. Risch (WSL), financed by the Velux Foundation.
Simon Briner, 2010-2012, Trade-offs between Ecosystem Services in mountain regions, with Prof. Dr. B. Lehmann and Dr. R. Huber (ETH), funded by CCESS, ETH.
Michaela Teich, 2010-2013, Snow avalanches in forested terrain, with Prof. Dr. A. Grêt-Regamey (ETH), funded by CCESS, ETH.
Natalie Zurbriggen, 2010-2013, Avalanche disturbance and regeneration in mountain forests under global change, with Dr. H. Lischke (WSL) and Prof. Dr. H. Bugmann (ETH), funded by CCESS, ETH.
Thomas Feistl, 2014-2016, Vegetation effects on avalanche dynamics, with Dr. P. Bartelt (WSL) and Prof. Dr. T. Kurosch (TU Munich), funded by Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Ana Stritih, 2017-2021, Risk-based assessments of ecosystem services: Addressing uncertainty in mountain forest management, with Prof. Dr. A. Grêt-Regamey (ETH Zurich), funded by EU- Horizon 2020, ECOPOTENTIAL.
Natálie Piazza-Brožová, 2018-2022, Avalanche protection capacity and disturbance dynamics of mountain forests , with Prof. Dr. A. Rigling (ETH Zurich), funded by WSL program CCAMM, Präventionsstiftung der kantonalen Gebäudeversicherungen and SwissForestLab.
Adrian Ringenbach, 2018-2022, Experimental quantification of deadwood influence on rockfall dynamics and its incorporation into regional-scale rockfall models, with Dr. A. Caviezel (WSL) and Prof. Dr. A. Rigling (ETH Zurich), funded by SNSF (DIVES) and WSL program CCAMM.
Supervised Diploma- und master's theses: Corina Lardelli (2003), Gesa Horak (2004), Frank Krumm (2004), Sebastian Essig (2004), Martina Forster (2006), Michaela Teich (2006), Grégory Amos (2007), Clothilde Gollut (2008), Melanie Ulrich (2009), Reto Tiri (2009), Jean-Marie Putallaz (2010), Veronica Netzer (2010), Marius Fankhauser (2010), Men Dellagiovanna (2011), Claudia Brüllhardt (2011), Regina Brücker (2011), Jonas Schwaab (2012), Lisa Leibold (2012), Roland Mende (2012), Lisa Erdle (2013), Christine Moos (2014), Sergio Wicki (2014), Thomas Häfelfinger (2015), Eva Bianchi (2015), Julia Issler (2016), Laura Ramstein (2016), Adrian Zaugg (2016), Simon Blatter (2016), Verena Eichenberger (2016), Roger Morgenthaler (2016), Gianna Könz (2017), Valentina Berchier (2017), Natálie Brožová, (2017), Kevin Simmler (2017), Vivien Cros (2017), Martin Kistler (2018), Mirjam Marty (2019), Tobias Ott (2019), Mario Guetg (2020), Luca Zehnder (2020), Elia Stihl (2020), Marion Caduff (2021)