Research Interests

I am involved in several of the numerical models that are developed by the institute, both developing the models, using them and managing their operational deployments. These models include the multi-layer, energy balance snow model SNOWPACK, the Alpine surface processes model Alpine3D and the meteorological input/output preprocessing library MeteoIO. I also do my own research using these models (see the publications list).

Models and tools

Most of the models and tools that are developed in our group are available under an Open Source license on our software forge, at (no need to register). However, if you want to create issues or fork these models, please register (and inform us by email so we can validate your account). Some of our models have their own web site with extensive documentation, releases, etc:


2004-2006 Physicist, Ivanhoe Technologies Inc., (Albuquerque NM, USA) - Design and building of the Veloce pulser

2004-2004 Physicist, ITHPP, (Thégra, France) - Design and building of the Veloce pulser

2002-2004 Physicist, CRT Holdings Inc., (Columbus GA, USA) - leading the experimental program

1999-2002 Ph.D. in plasma physics and Pulsed Power - Paris XI University -- Centre d'Études de Gramat -- Thesis available here

1998-1999 DEA diploma: physics and technologies of large facilities - Paris XI University

1996-1999 Supélec engineering degree

