The SLF makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of content and information on this website and in the 'White Risk' app. However, it does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the content and information.
The SLF points out in particular that the avalanche bulletin provides a forecast of the avalanche danger. It is by their very nature that the forecasts may not be accurate.
Use of information from the SLF in no way eliminates the obligation to independently assess the avalanche situation locally and act accordingly.
Avalanche danger means danger to life. People choosing to go off piste or take trips in wintry areas expose themselves to the danger of avalanches, and accept the risk of and responsibility for damage and injury of any kind caused by an avalanche event. In secured areas, the instructions of local safety authorities must be followed.
The SLF reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily remove the content of this website – in full or in part – at any time, for any reason and in any way whatsoever without prior notice.
The SLF disclaims all liability for direct or indirect, material or non-material damage arising from the accessing or use/non-use of published information, misuse of the connection or technical faults. All claims for damages against the SLF and the WSL are explicitly precluded
Users acknowledge that Matomo is used and that it is integrated directly into the website. IP addresses are anonymised.
Users acknowledge that by using social media they share personal information.
Web editorial board ¶
Web editor Roman Oester
Content- und Publishing Coaches
- News / Permafrost: Jochen Bettzieche
- Avalanche bulletin and snow situation / Snow: Roman Oester
- Avalanches / Mountain ecosystems: Roman Oester
- Natural hazards / About the SLF: Cornelia Accola
Typo3 online team
- Cornelia Accola
- Lisa Bose
- Clarissa Bräg
- Sandra Gurzeler
- Christian Wessalowski (Application developer)
- Martin Moritzi
- Roman Oester
- Birgit Ottmer (Head online manager)
Credits ¶
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
Telefon: +41 44 739 21 11
Telefax: +41 44 739 22 15
Email: wslinfo[at]
UID-Number: CHE-116.133.452
Josefstrasse 92
8005 Zürich
Agentur für User-Centered-Design
Badenerstr. 65
8036 Zürich
General terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions of WSL