
This research aims to gain a mechanistic understanding of the role of tree species interactions on tree plastic physiological responses to heat and drought stress. It combines an experimental climate manipulation with tree seedlings and fieldwork in a mature forest subjected yearly to hot droughts.

Ziel des Projektes ist es, die physiologischen Prozesse zu bewerten, durch die sich Bäume in einem sich ändernden Klima anpassen und miteinander interagieren, die Folgen dieser dynamischen Prozesse für die physiologischen Reaktionen der Bäume auf klimatische Belastungen zu bestimmen und unser Verständnis dieser Auswirkungen auf langfristige Verschiebungen im internen Kohlenstoff- und Wasserkreislauf der Bäume zu verbessern.


Gauthey A., Kahmen A., Limousin J.M., Vilagrosa A., Didion-Gency M., Mas E., … Grossiord C. (2024) High heat tolerance, evaporative cooling, and stomatal decoupling regulate canopy temperature and their safety margins in three European oak species. Glob. Chang. Biol. 30(8), e17439 (15 pp.). doi:10.1111/gcb.17439 Institutional Repository DORA

Gauthey A., Bachofen C., Chin A., Cochard H., Gisler J., Mas E., … Grossiord C. (2024) Twenty years of irrigation acclimation is driven by denser canopies and not by plasticity in twig- and needle-level hydraulics in a Pinus sylvestris forest. J. Exp. Bot. 75(10), 3141-3152. doi:10.1093/jxb/erae066 Institutional Repository DORA

Mas E., Vilagrosa A., Morcillo L., Saurer M., Valladares F., Grossiord C. (2024) Drought effects in Mediterranean forests are not alleviated by diversity-driven water source partitioning. J. Ecol. 112(9), 2107-2122. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.14387 Institutional Repository DORA

Mas E., Cochard H., Deluigi J., Didion-Gency M., Martin-StPaul N., Morcillo L., … Grossiord C. (2024) Interactions between beech and oak seedlings can modify the effects of hotter droughts and the onset of hydraulic failure. New Phytol. 241(3), 1021-1034. doi:10.1111/nph.19358 Institutional Repository DORA

Mas E., Vilagrosa A., Morcillo L., Valladares F., Grossiord C. (2024) Mixing oak and pine trees in Mediterranean forests increases aboveground hydraulic dysfunctions. Plant Biol. doi:10.1111/plb.13716 Institutional Repository DORA

Gauthey A., Bachofen C., Deluigi J., Didion-Gency M., D'Odorico P., Gisler J., … Grossiord C. (2023) Absence of canopy temperature variation despite stomatal adjustment in Pinus sylvestris under multidecadal soil moisture manipulation. New Phytol. 240(1), 127-137. doi:10.1111/nph.19136 Institutional Repository DORA

Grossiord C., Bachofen C., Gisler J., Mas E., Vitasse Y., Didion‐Gency M. (2022) Warming may extend tree growing seasons and compensate for reduced carbon uptake during dry periods. J. Ecol. 110(7), 1575-1589. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13892 Institutional Repository DORA

Schönbeck L.C., Schuler P., Lehmann M.M., Mas E., Mekarni L., Pivovaroff A.L., … Grossiord C. (2022) Increasing temperature and vapor pressure deficit lead to hydraulic damages in the absence of soil drought. Plant Cell Environ. 45(11), 3275-3289. doi:10.1111/pce.14425 Institutional Repository DORA
