When riding out of bounds or touring in the backcountry, many recreationists and professionals plan their trip with the aim of finding a tour at a personally acceptable level of risk. Particularly during the planning phase, information from the public avalanche forecast is considered. In Switzerland, the avalanche forecast summarizes avalanche conditions with a danger level (DL) and the aspects and elevations (AE) where the DL applies. Further, it informs about the relevant avalanche problems, including a text description. Previous studies have shown that most of this information is related to avalanche risk. However, it is poorly understood which information users consider helpful for trip planning and whether these (often) self-stated claims relate to what is remembered at the beginning of a trip. We therefore conducted two independent surveys. The online survey, with 3400 participants, showed that all information provided in the forecast is perceived as valuable for planning. The DL was considered the most important, followed by the avalanche problem(s). In comparison, the AE were considered less important. This ranking of the users is not in line with recent findings regarding avalanche risk. For the second survey, we went outdoors, either in a popular area for out of bounds skiing or at trail heads of ski tours and asked the users directly. Compared to the responses from the online survey, a different picture emerged: While the DL was well-remembered (90 % correct), only around half of the participants (44 %) could correctly name the avalanche problems. In an application exercise, a clear minority (24 %) could say whether slopes of a particular aspect and elevation were assessed as critical in the forecast. This apparent discrepancy between the self-stated use of forecast information during trip planning and the retention of the information at the start of a trip comes partly as a surprise. Especially the avalanche problems, intended to emphasize and focus on the cause of instability resulting in impact-oriented travel advice, are remembered poorly. The findings are supported by other recent surveys in Europe and show that the information from the forecast is not effectively retained, even at the start of a trip. It highlights the need to rethink and improve the communication of avalanche danger, including the level of detail. While providing detailed information may be helpful for experts, it may be overwhelming for less experienced users. Our study aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on how to best communicate avalanche danger to reduce risks for recreational skiers.
Siehe Institutional Repository DORA